
Checking in #9

Location: London, England

Grace how you doing? Grace has grown! I serve a faithful God, I have hair now!!! God is just too awesome. It may seem like a minor thing to some but I have really been praying for my hair to grow so the fact I can put it in a little bun just 12 months after shaving it all off is a miracle to me. She’s in braids right now, but I am confident that by Summer 2019, she will be out and proud! Olorun ese o, ese Baba!

Wearing: Maxi knit dresses. There’s no reason why I can’t be warm AND chic. Check out some of my current faves below.

Food cravings: Bread and butter pudding. ‘Tis the season to eat and make merry and I have certainly been doing that, pretty much eating non-stop! My tummy will not thank me come January though!

Reading: “Becoming” by Michelle Obama – I’m going to see Aunty Michelle next year when she comes to Denmark. Super psyched!

2018 Highlights

2018 was a pretty big year for me and I really am not exaggerating. On 1 January 2018, I moved from Lagos, Nigeria to Aarhus, Denmark. I returned to cold weather living. New country, new language, new job, new way of life. I’ve tried and failed three times to learn the Danish language. Still on the fence about whether I want to learn the language or not and leaning towards the side of NOT! I had an incredible summer where I got to visit several different towns and cities in Denmark. I tried surfing for the first time and I’m officially addicted now. I had two amazingly unique cultural experiences that came in the form of my friends’ weddings – a Ghanaian wedding and a Korean wedding too. Across the whole of 2018, I’ve been in seven countries, including three newbies being Poland, Switzerland and Japan. And probably the biggest thing that happened for me this year was that I bought a property. I’m officially off the market and in a long-term relationship …with my bank. I’m truly an adult now, eek!!!

Looking forward to: 2019. I’m so stoked for it!

How I’m doing on my goal setting: (click HERE to also read my Forty By Forty bucketlist)

Goals from last Checking in:(1) Stick with my Danish course (2) Complete the first module test on my Danish language course (3) Start reading again and not fall off the wagon with my Bible in a year reading!

Complete fail on all the above. I have quit Danish language classes for the third time and don’t think I can bear to start again. Feel free to share tips on the quickest way to learn Danish in the comments. I fell off the wagon with my Bible in a year reading but I can still complete the Old Testament in a year and finish the rest next year right?

Goals for the next four months: 

(1) Find a netball club (2) Expand my social network beyond work friends (3) Go on at least one date

They may not sound too ambitious, but believe me, just thinking about how I will achieve them makes me want to crawl out of my skin. But God’s got me so I’ve got this. I’ve got 2019. On that note, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance and a blessed and prosperous 2019. We’ve got this!