
New look, who dis?! Welcome

A rather belated Happy New Year guys! Oh and hey, we have a new look to the blog too! What’s popping?! I have missed you but I had to take some very necessary time out to myself, sorting out life, processing and surviving the pandemic. All that to say…

WELCOME TO THE BRAND-SPANKING NEW WEBSITE FOR BIDS IN GRACELAND! The blog started as a hair journal as I chronicled my natural hair journey with my hair, Grace. It evolved into a style journal, then expanded to a travel journal and now, I think it’s fair to say that the site is an all-encompassing personal lifestyle journal. I hope to go even deeper and share more of where I’m at financially, relationally, spiritually and emotionally. There will be cute outfits and travel adventures, but I hope to also share more intimate experiences with a view to connecting with my readers in a new way and hopefully also providing some inspiration.

I’m looking forward to the next step sharing more of the Bids and Grace adventures with you guys and I hope you will stick around for the ride. If you have any suggestions or requests on content you would like to see on the site, please feel free to pop them below in the comments and hit me up on any of my socials!

Welcome back! Stay tuned!