
10 FREE ways to improve your skin

Autumn is here in full force and it’s time to start layering up on moisture and ensuring your skincare game is on fleek. But aside from all the various products we’re constantly being bombarded with by marketers, there are some really easy FREE ways to improve, maintain and achieve great skin. And of course, me being the generous soul that I am, I’m about to spill the tea. So I hope you’re ready, here we go:

1. WATER. This is absolutely the number one freebie for great skin. Drink water, and then drink some more. Water helps to cleanse the both from the inside out, clearing out impurities. If you’re not already drinking water, just try it and see how much your skin (and body!) will reward you. 

2. TAKE OFF YOUR MAKEUP BEFORE BED. Anyone who is still sleeping in their makeup in 2019 deserves a dirty slap. The way your pores will be crying out as they are just getting clogged up whilst you snooze in your full beat face…sister why?! Power through your exhaustion and wash your face before you go to sleep. Your pores will thank you!

3. CLEAN ANYTHING TOUCHING YOUR FACE REGULARLY. Your towels, your bedsheets, your pillowcases, your makeup brushes all need to be cleaned regularly in order to ensure they are not just collecting dirt and bacteria and then putting back dirt on your face.

4. SLEEP. Do not underestimate the virtues of a good night’s sleep. The US National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep for an adult aged 18-64. If you are not getting a good amount of sleep on the regular, chances are we can see it on your face. It’s usually very apparent when someone is sleep deprived, in fact as soon as the next day, your face be snitching on you – bags, blotchy skin, red eyes, the works. So try to get some rest and get a good amount at that. 

5. YOUR SLEEP POSITION. Whilst we’re chatting about sleep, also try as much as possible to sleep on your back and not on your side. I tend to roll in my sleep but I have been making a conscious effort to stay on my back when I sleep. Given the amount of oils and products that go into my hair, the last thing I want to do is roll over and submerge my face (or at least the side) in the residue which will only lead to an acne outbreak.

6. STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE. Our hands collect so much grime during the day and even with washing them on the regular and keeping them soaked in sanitiser, putting our hands and fingers on our faces just adds unnecessary bacteria to the face, causing all kinds of skincare issues. I started making a conscious effort to avoid at all costs touching my face during the day. Two things came out of that experiment – I realised I obviously had a bad habit of touching my face waaaaaaay too much and also there were visible signs of improvement in skin condition. So hands off the face!

7. USE YOUR HANDS-FREE KIT OR SPEAKERPHONE. Just like our hands, our phones have a disgusting amount of bacteria on them and having them against the side of your face every time you take a call…yuck! So use your handsfree kit and if you don’t have one, then take your calls on speakerphone…just try to do in a place where there is no one that would be disturbed.

8. RESIST SQUEEZING YOUR SPOTS. Squeezing your spots is a surefire way to cause damage to your skin. It can spread bacteria under the skin, lead to more acne outbreaks especially where the spot was not quite ready to be popped and can definitely lead to acne scarring. I won’t lie, I actually quite enjoy popping my spots (don’t judge me!) but I have had to resist and stop myself so I can improve my skin, and it has made a massive difference.

9. WHAT ARE YOU EATING? Keep the oily foods to a minimum and cut out processed foods which cause inflammation. Eat your veggies and try to eat your food as fresh as possible to get the good good nutrients and vitamins. 

10. RELAX. Seriously, relax and stop stressing. The stress in your life (or lack thereof) will certainly show in your skin so just chill, relax and make time to take care of yourself.