
Sunday best: Feeling blue

I feel like I dressed for my subsequent mood this particular day. I put on my fabulous royal blue stilletos and was off to church… well I was until I got caught in a gap between the cobbles on the road. I finally was freed from the fiendish cobbles but sadly my heels were not so lucky. The heel tip of one of the stilettos was ripped from the body of the shoe and that was that. The end (at least until I find a good cobbler!). Changed into my sky blue (though they look grey in photos) heels and did my second take of “Letโ€™s go to church”. This was more successful but I couldnโ€™t help my blue mood for the rest of the morning. Boo!image imageimage image Wearing: Dress – Closet; Shoes – Zara (similar HERE); Sunglasses – similar HERE and HERE